Practice Areas
Florida Fraud and White Collar Crimes Attorney
Under Florida law, the term white collar crime is not an actual legal term. However, it often refers to the types of criminal charges associated with the professional and business world. In general, white collar crimes typically involve either some form of theft or fraud. Whether it is stealing another person’s identity or operating a fraudulent charity, white collar crimes are very serious. This is especially true if your case becomes high-profile or in the media, as the public is generally not sympathetic for wealthy defendants. This may seem unfair, but it is the harsh truth and a reality in many situations.
I am straightforward when it comes to letting my clients understand the seriousness of their situation, potential outcomes and what available options they have as far as defense strategies for white collar crimes. I have experience defending clients charged with:
- Racketeering
- Conspiracy to Commit Racketeering
- Executing a Scheme to Defraud on a Financial Institution
- Organized Scheme to Defraud
- Forgery
- Uttering a Forgery
- Possession of Counterfeit Checks
- Money Laundering
- Cheating
- Operating a Charitable Organization Without a License
- Solicitation of Funds with Misleading Statements
- Failure to Properly Apply Solicited Charitable Contributions
- Fraudulent Use of Personal Identification Information
Penalties for White Collar Crimes in Florida
No matter what type of white collar-related charges you are facing, the penalties can be serious under Florida law. Extensive and sometimes mandatory fines and prison time are a real possibility in your case. If you require more information about defending yourself against any type of white collar crime, please contact me today.